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MEI and Wholesale Power Supply – Assisting the City of Hearne

Dale Jones

Climbing energy prices over the last five years were the driving force behind the City of Hearne and the City Council and Staff teaming up to find the best partners to assist with renegotiating the current contract, as well as taking advantage of current low market pricing.  To assist and guide them through this process, the City hired Dale Jones with McCord Engineering; Mr. Jones has thirty-four years of progressive electric utility experience, managing power supply, business development, ERCOT regulatory monitoring, wholesale and retail electric pricing, and transmission/distribution/substation engineering and construction.  The City of Hearne is satisfied with the new contractual agreement that will not only decrease rates but has allowed them to be certified 30% green energy.  By 2023, they expect to be one of the area’s most competitive providers. McCord Engineering and Dale Jones will continue to monitor the market to help staff make recommendations to council.  Read the full article at