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Mapping System Services

MEI provides mapping system services using global positioning system (GPS) field data collection to electric cooperatives and municipalities. Mapping services vary from providing direction and advice to providing a complete electric mapping system. For instance, we can assist clients in the beginning phase of setting up and integrating a new electronic mapping system, or clients with an established mapping system by performing a complete field data inventory of the electric system and producing an electric system model containing true electric connectivity that includes a “parent-child” relationship with all equipment (capacitors, fuses, regulators, switches, etc.), primary line, transformers, and consumers. The system model then allows for engineering analysis on the current mapping system. A full inventory can be performed on all facilities (poles, meters, transformers, capacitors, fuses, reclosers, regulators, switches, etc.) including all pole framing assembly units. All of the pole birthmarks, which include the height, class, and year of the pole, right-of-way clearing data, foreign (telephone, cable, and communications) contacts, and all street and security light poles can be collected. Collecting this data is an asset to multiple departments (e.g., mapping, engineering, operations, construction, planning, accounting, marketing, and management), and will aid in the upkeep and maintenance of the mapping system.


  • Global Positioning System (GPS) Field Data Collection
  • Complete Facility Inventory
  • Translation/Conversion of GPS Data to Mapping System
  • Mapping System Setup/Integration,
  • Custom Symbol Design,
  • Accurate Data Mapping utilizing WindMil and WindMilMap by Milsoft Utility Solutions and ESRI and AutoCAD Map 3D (Autodesk, Inc.)

For more information about Mapping System Services, contact Paul Pustejovsky.

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