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Transmission Line Design

MEI’s transmission line design team stands on our reputation of technical quality, safety, and environmental responsibility. From the computer-aided design of new and upgraded transmission facilities, to the development of drawings and bid specifications, materials engineering and procurement, construction and project management, MEI provides a wide range of transmission line design services. Our long history in the utility industry gives us a unique understanding of transmission issues. To stay abreast of the latest design technologies and safety requirements, our engineers are actively involved members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, American National Standards Institute, and the National Electric Safety Code. MEI Engineers and technicians use PLS-CADD to design a wide variety of transmission power lines and structures.


  • Computer-Aided Transmission Power Line Design using PLS-CADD
  • Design of Structures and Foundations using PLS-POLE, CAISSON, and LPILE
  • Detailed Job Packages—Line Design, Construction Staging, Conductor Sag and Tension Charts to Owner Standards
  • Easement Research and Acquisition
  • Load Requirements and Design Drawings for Full-Scale Structural Tests
  • Transmission Power Line Upgrades and Modifications, Reconductoring Design

Procurement and Consulting

  • CCN Applications
  • Centerline Surveys
  • Construction/Project Management
  • Construction Inspection
  • Consulting and Training for National Electrical Safety Code
  • Develop Plan and Profile Drawings
  • Development of Purchase Specifications and Drawings
  • High Temperature (200°C) Conductor Design
  • Material Specifications and Contract Bid Documents
  • Materials Engineering and Procurement
  • Regulatory Permit Consulting and Filing
  • Transmission Power Line Design and Calculations

For more information about Transmission Line Design, contact Rex Woods, P.E.

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